Our Kindergarten Program, which is “Accredited with Quality” by the Georgia Accrediting Commission, provides an accelerated program for our “brilliant” Kindergarten aged children. We want our children to have a joy for learning. We challenge them and believe in “Stretching but not Stressing” our students.
Our program has a major focus on reading. Reading comprehension is an important part of our program in that we want our children to actually understand what is read versus just calling out words. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) is emphasized in our program. Our goal is for our students to perform higher than what is normally expected of Kindergarten aged students. We also focus on providing our students of knowledge regarding social studies.
Our students have several presentation projects that helps them gain confidence when speaking before an audience. We have an abundance of field trips scheduled that supports the intellectual development of our students. We offer a continuation of daily Spanish as well as formal music and PE programs.
Towards the end of the school year, our students take the Stanford Early School Achievement Teat (SESAT), a national standardized test. Results are independently scored and compare our students to other students on a national basis. Historically, in many areas, many of our students perform above the national average.
The success of this program is dependent upon the partnership between the teacher(s) and parents. Accordingly, we strongly encourage this relationship. Feedback from parents whose children have completed our program have been that their child has continued to excel in their post Bright Minds elementary school programs, and they contribute this success to the foundation provided at Bright Minds.
Children in our Kindergarten Program also participate in our end of year program to display what they have learned during the school year.