
  • Infants
  • One-Year-Olds
  • Two-Year-Olds
  • Three-Year-Olds
  • Private Pre-K
  • Georgia’s Pre-K
  • Private Kindergarten
  • Private First Grade

Our Program

Our program provides exceptional care, fun and development of a happy child. For each age group, we focus on programs designed around learning and having fun! Each age group builds upon the foundations provided by the previous age group with the ultimate goal of preparing our older children for school readiness. School readiness encompasses having the necessary skills to enter school with confidence and possessing knowledge that children can continue to enhance once they are in school. We focus on the physical, intellectual, social, creative and emotional development of children. Our focus is also on developing positive self esteem in our children.

Parents are provided with a daily status of their child’s day, including milestones in their development. They should be able to clearly see this development as their child progresses through our program.

Our program at every age level includes reading, music, language development, the development of large and small motor skills, social/emotional development and cognitive development. As our children become older, there are other activities added that include but are not limited to activities to develop creativity/imagination, arithmetic, colors, etiquette, seasons, days, months, holidays, computer based activities, art, etc.

We are patient in our interaction with children. As they began to walk, talk, go through potty training or whatever new development that they display, we provide encouragement and give praise for their accomplishments.

While our children learn a lot, they play and have plenty of fun! A large selection of activity centers and toys including but not limited to games, riding toys, push toys, climbers, puppets, puzzles, blocks, play dough, etc. are available for our children. There is also fun with music, art activities and dramatic play.